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Total Ankle Arthroplasty: Prof. Victor Valderrabano

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The ankle joint has to bear our whole body weight and allows us walking and sports.  Ankle osteoarthritis can be caused by ankle injuries as fractures or sprains.  Prof Dr Dr Victor Valderrabano, MD PhD, is lecturing about ankle osteoarthritis and total ankle joint arthroplasty as well as answering questions by our journalist Susanne Amrhein.  The Swiss orthopaedic surgeon with unique expertise in Foot and Ankle Surgery, Osteoarthritis, and Sports Medicine treats patients and athletes from all over the world suffering from ankle issues and ankle osteoarthritis.  Professor Valderrabano is chairman of the SWISS ORTHO CENTER at the Schmerzklinik Basel (Swiss Medical Network) in addition to appointed Professor in Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Basel in Switzerland.

What is osteoarthritis of the ankle joint?  How does ankle osteoarthritis manifest itself?  What are possible options of conservative treatments?  In what cases or stages is a joint preserving surgery possible?  When do specialists recommend a total ankle arthroplasty?  Which movements and physical strains are possible with a total ankle arthroplasty?  Are there restrictions for sports?  How long does a total ankle arthroplasty last?

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